Hello, I'm

Kathryn Stegeman

Front-end Developer based in Chicago

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Featured Projects

Preview of React Weather Forecast app

Weather Forecast App

This 2.0 version of my 5-Day Weather Forecast application offers users current temperature, humidity, wind speed, and a weather description of cloud and precipiation patterns for the user-specified location. Its intuitive interface uses React.js to streamline code while enabling users to easily access up-to-date, detailed weather information.

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Dictionary App

This Dictionary application with a user-friendly interface allows users to find definitions, phonetic pronunciations, synonyms, sample usage, and reference photos for any word they choose. Built with a SheCodes API, this thorough landing page provides users everything they need to understand what they're searching.

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Preview of Dictionary app
Preview of Welcome to Tokyo page

Tokyo Travel Page

This "Welcome to Tokyo" Travel page focuses on advanced Responsiveness and CSS techniques to give visitors an overview of the Japanese city. With a photo gallery, embedded maps, and a variety of external links, this page curates a concise yet comprehensive overview of must-see neighborhoods.

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